Talking Time Keeper is a Windows-based application. This program has a lot of functions, the most basic of them being to serve as a clock, calendar and alarm. This program has a very user-friendly interface, which makes it easy-to-use. This program helps you synchronize their computer clock and watch day and night time zones: the program shows you world map and marks corresponding parts of the world with shades or light. You can also choose any location on the map, and the program will tell you what time of day it is there and how much time is left till sunrise and sunset.
The program also helps you know world time. It means that you can choose the cities you would like to know what the local time of. You can change the interface of the program with custom images (pictures of the people you know, for instance).
Talking Time Keeper comes with TTK Voice Builder. It will help you to create a voice record which will announce the time and date. You can record the voice of any person you would like to hear - all you need is a microphone.